Cosmetic Acupuncture, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a virtually painless, non-invasive, and chemical-free way to reduce wrinkles, firm skin, and erase the signs of aging.
Each treatment includes cleansing and nourishing herbal masks, facial and constitutional acupuncture, and essential oils tailored to your specific needs. Beauty comes from a healthy body, mind, heart, and spirit. What is balanced on the inside reflects on the outside. The face is the primary focus of treatment, however it is the whole body that benefits resulting in a sense of rejuvenation, revitalization and a profound relaxation.
The facial rejuvenation session is arranged in a sequence that aids in the development of collagen and stimulates facial and systemic blood circulation. Stimulating blood circulation and collagen production increases facial muscle and skin tone, maximizes the beautifying effect and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.
Treatment Done By :
Dr. Neeraj Tomar ( M.D Acupuncture )
At Noida Clinic :
Psycho-Acupuncture & Medicare Centre
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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